A) Techniques
*Kihon (Pagrindai)
(1) Tachikata (Stovėsenos)
Heisoku Dachi, Musubi Dachi, Heiko Dachi, Shizen Dachi (Sotohachiji Dachi), Uchihachiji Dachi,
Sanchin Dachi, Moroashi Dachi, Zenkutsu Dachi, Kiba Dachi, Tsuruashi Dachi
(2) Tsuki (Smūgiai)
Seiken Chudan Tsuki, Seiken Jodan Tsuki, Seiken Ago Uchi, Seiken Shita Tsuki, Seiken Kagi Tsuki, Hiji
Uchi, Uraken Gammen Uchi, Uraken Sayu Uchi, Uraken Hizo Uchi , Uraken Mawashi Uchi, Shuto
Gammen Uchi, Shuto Sakotsu Uchi, Shuto Sakotsu Uchikomi, Shuto Hizo Uchi, Shuto Uchi Uchi
(3) Uke (Blokai)
Jodan Uke, Chudan Soto Uke, Chudan Uchi Uke, Gedan Barai, Uchi Uke Gedan Barai
(4) Keri (Spyriai)
Mae Keage, Uchimawashi, Sotomawashi, Hiza Geri, Kin Geri, Mae Geri, Mawashi Geri, Yoko Keage,
Yoko Geri, Kansetsu Geri, Ushiro Geri
* Ido (Judėjimo pagrindai)
Zenkutsu Dachi: Judėjimas pirmyn ir atgal, Posūkiai kartu su vienu technikos elekmentu (Tsuki, Keri, Uke)
pvz.: Zenkutsu Dachi + Seiken Oi Tsuki ar Gyaku Tsuki
* Kata
Taikyoku Sono Ichi & Ni, Sokugi Taikyoku Sono Ichi
B) Fizinis pasirengimas
* Lankstumas: Sėdint plačiai galva paliesti grindis.
* Atsispaudimai: 20
* Pritūpimai su šuoliuku: 20
* Stovėjimas ant rankų: 20 sekundžių (padedant kitam žmogui)
* Prisitraukimai: 3
* Šuoliukai (Tobi Geri): taikinys jūsų galvos aukštyje
C) Kumite (Kova)
(1) Yakusoku Kumite: gynyba prieš ataką;
Gynyba ranka prieš: tsuki / gynyba koja prieš: tsuki / gynyba ranka prieš: keri / gynyba koja prieš: keri
(2) Jiyu Kumite: 30 seconds
Kriterijai: Reigi (Susikaupimas, nusiteikimas) / Kamae (Pasirengimas) / Kiai
D) Egzaminas raštu
Su šiuo lygiu (kyu) susijusi terminologija ir filosofija. Turinį pateikia IKO Honbu.
E) Laikotarpis (Rekomenduojamas treniruočių valandų skaičius prieš laikant egzaminą)
Baltas —> 10th Kyu: 3 mėnesiai (48 val.)
Baltas diržas
Basic techniques as for white belt as well as the following:
A) Techniques
* Kihon (Basics)
(1) Tachikata (Stances): Kokutsu Dachi, Nekoashi Dachi
* Ido (Moving Basics)
Kokutsu Dachi (Nekoashi Dachi): Moving forward and backward, Turning eg: Kokutsu Dachi +Chudan Uchi Uke
Repetition of same technique: eg: Zenkutsu Dachi + Seiken Oi Tsuki twice, Zenkutsu Dachi +
Seiken Chudan Sanbon Tsuki
* Kata
10th Kyu —>9th Kyu: Taikyoku Sono San
9th Kyu —> 8th Kyu: Sokugi Taikyoku Sono Ni & San
B) Conditioning
* Flexibility: same criterion as for white belt, with improvement from that level.
* Push-ups: 30
* Jumping Squats: 30
* Hand Stand: 30 seconds
* Chin-ups: 5
* Jump (Tobi Geri): Your own height + 10 cm
C) Kumite
(1) Yakusoku Kumite: Block only against attack;
Hand block against tsuki / leg block against tsuki / hand block against keri / leg block against keri
(2) Jiyu Kumite: 30 seconds
* Criterion: Reigi / Kamae / Kiai
D) Written Examination
* In the terminology and philosophy pertaining to this rank. Contents of which shall be provided by the IKO Honbu
E) Tenure (Recommended hours of training before taking promotion test)
10th Kyu —> 9th Kyu: 3 Months (48 hours)
9th Kyu —> 8th Kyu: 3 Months (48 hours)
Oranžinis diržas
10 Kyu & 9 Kyu
Basic techniques as for white & orange belts as well as the following:
A) Techniques
Kihon (Basics)
(1) Tachikata (Stances): Kakeashi Dachi
(2) Tsuki (Punches / Strikes) : Tettsui, Nukite, Shotei
(3) Uke (Blocks): Morote Uke, Mawashi Uke, Shuto Mawashi Uke, Sukui Uke, Kake Uke, Shotei Uke
(4) Kokyu Ho (Breathing Technique): Ibuki
* Ido (Moving Basics)
Kokutsu Dachi Shuto Mawashi Uke, Enkei Gyaku Tsuki
Sanchin Dachi: Moving forward and backward, Turning --- eg: Sanchin Dachi +Seiken Chudan Gyaku
Tsuki Kiba Dachi: Moving sideways to front & back (Mae Kosa, Ushiro Kosa), Turning --- eg: Kiba Dachi Jun Tsuki,
Combination: (Uke and Attack) --- eg: Zenkutsu Dachi + Jodan Uke - Seiken Chudan Gyaku Tsuki
Combination (Tsuki and Keri) --- eg: Zenkutsu Dachi + Mae Geri Seiken Chudan Tsuki
* Kata
8th Kyu —>7th Kyu: Pinan Sono Ichi
7th Kyu —> 6th Kyu: Pinan Sono Ni, Sanchin
B) Conditioning
* Flexibility: Shoulders touch the floor in a seated position with legs open
* Push-ups: 40
* Jumping Squats: 40
* Hand Stand: 40 seconds
* Chin-ups: 8
* Jump (Tobi Geri): Your own height + 15 cm
C) Kumite
(1) Yakusoku Kumite: Uke Kaeshi (Block and Retaliation);
Opponent attack, Block, Retaliation using a variety of attacks, blocks & reactions. Eg: hand, hand, hand /
hand, hand, leg / hand, leg, hand / leg, hand, hand / hand, leg, leg / leg, leg, hand / leg, hand, leg / leg, leg, leg
(2) Jiyu Kumite: 60 seconds
Criterion: Reigi / Kamae / Kiai / Speed / Power / Stamina (Kokyu) / Uke Kaeshi
D) Written Examination
*In the terminology and philosophy pertaining to this rank. Contents of which shall be provided by the
IKO Honbu.
E) Tenure (Recommended hours of training before taking promotion test)
8th Kyu —> 7th Kyu: 3 Months (48 hours)
7th Kyu —> 6th Kyu: 3 Months (48 hours)
Mėlynas diržas
8 Kyu & 7 Kyu
Basic techniques as for white through blue belts as well as the following examples:
A) Techniques
* Kihon (Basics)
(1) Tachikata (Stance)
Shiko Dachi, Kosa Dachi
(2) Tsuki (Punches / Strikes)
Koken Uchi, Haito Uchi, Morote Tsuki
(3) Uke (Blocks)
Koken Uke, Haito Uke, Jyuji Uke
*Ido (Moving Basics)
Kaiten Ido (Spinning) --- eg: Kiba Dachi + Kaiten Tettsui
Dako Ido (45 Degree Angle) --- eg: 45 Degree Kiba Dachi + Gedan Barai
* Kata
6th Kyu —>5th Kyu: Pinan Sono San, Yantsu
5th Kyu —> 4th Kyu: Pinan Sono Yon, Tsuki no Kata
B) Conditioning
* Flexibility: Same as for blue belt with notable improvement.
* Push-ups: 50
* Jumping Squats: 50
* Hand Stand: 50 seconds
* Chin-ups: 10
* Jump (Tobi Geri): Your own height + 20 cm
C) Kumite
(1) Yakusoku Kumite: Uke Kaeshi (Block and Retaliation);
Opponent attack, Uke, Retaliation using a variety of attacks, blocks & reactions. Eg: hand, hand,
hand / hand, hand, leg / hand, leg, hand / leg, hand, hand / hand, leg, leg / leg, leg, hand / leg, hand, leg/leg, leg, leg
(2) Jiyu Kumite: 60 seconds * 3 rounds
Criterion: Reigi / Kamae / Kiai / Speed / Power / Stamina (Kokyu) / Uke Kaeshi
D) Written Examination
* In the terminology and philosophy pertaining to this rank. Contents of which shall be provided by the IKO Honbu.
E) Tenure (Recommended hours of training before taking promotion test)
6th Kyu —> 5th Kyu: 3 Months (48 hours)
5th Kyu —> 4th Kyu: 3 Months (48 hours)
Geltonas diržas
6 Kyu & 5 Kyu
Basic techniques as for white through Yellow Belts as well as the following:
A) Techniques
* Kihon (Basics)
(1) Tachikata (Stance)
Shiko Dachi, Moroashi Dachi, Kosa Dachi
(2) Tsuki (Punches / Strikes)
Hiji Ate
(3) Uke (Blocks)
Circular blocks (Uchi Uke, Gedan Barai)
* Ido (Moving Basics)
Basic step work in Kumite No Kamae: Okuri Ashi, Fumi Ashi, Kosa, Oiashi (Sagari)
* Kata
4th Kyu —>3rd Kyu: Pinan Sono Go, Gekisai Sono Ichi
3rd Kyu —> 2nd Kyu: Gekisai Sono Ni, Tekki Sono Ichi, Taiyoku Sono Ichi Ura, Ni Ura & San Ura
B) Conditioning
Flexibility: Chest touches the floor in a seated position with legs open. Push-ups: 60
* Jumping Squats: 60
* Hand Stand: 60 seconds
* Chin-ups: 12
* Jump (Tobi Geri): Your own height + 30 cm
C) Kumite
(1) Yakusoku Kumite: Uke and Uke Kaeshi combination in Kumite No Kamae, Step work
(2) Jiyu Kumite: 60 seconds * 5 rounds
Criterion: Reigi / Kamae / Kiai / Speed / Power / Stamina (Kokyu) / Uke Kaeshi / Rhythm /
Combination (Balance between hand techniques and kicks) / Step work
D) Written Examination
* In the terminology and philosophy pertaining to this rank. Contents of which shall be provided by the IKO Honbu.
E) Tenure (Recommended hours of training before taking promotion test)
4th Kyu —> 3rd Kyu: 6 Months (96 hours)
3rd Kyu —> 2nd Kyu: 6 Months (96 hours)
Žalias diržas
4 Kyu & 3 Kyu
Basic techniques and terminology as for white through green belts as well as the following:
A) Techniques
* Ido (Moving Basics)
Kumite No Kamae Step work moving in various angles
* Kata
2nd Kyu —>1st Kyu: Gekisai Sono San, Tekki Sono Ni
1st Kyu —> 1st Dan: Pinan Sono Ichi - Go ‘Ura’, Saifa
B) Conditioning
Flexibility: Chest touches the floor in a seated position with legs open. Push-ups: 100
* Jumping Squats: 100
* Hand stand: 90 seconds
* Chi- ups: 15
* Jump (Tobi Geri): Your own height + 30 cm (Tobi Ushiro Geri or Tobi Ushiro Mawashi Geri, right & left)
C) Kumite
(1) Yakusoku Kumite: Uke and Uke Kaeshi Combination in Kumite No Kamae, Step work
(2) Jiyu Kumite: 60 seconds * 10 rounds
Criterion: Reigi / Kamae / Kiai / Speed / Power / Stamina (Kokyu) / Uke Kaeshi / Rhythm /
Combination (Balance between hand technique and kicks) / Stepwork
D) Tameshi Wari
More than the IKO Tournament Rule Standard
E) Goshin Jitsu (Self-Defense): Basic Movements
F) Written Examination
* In the terminology and philosophy pertaining to this rank. Contents of which shall be provided by the IKO Honbu.
G) Tenure (Recommended hours of training before taking promotion test)
2nd Kyu —> 1st Kyu: 6 Months (96 hours)
1st Kyu —> 1st Dan: 6 Months (96 hours)